Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Pieces of Happiness
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Sunday, November 06, 2011
The Best Of...?
Monday, October 17, 2011
Monday, October 03, 2011
Friday, September 23, 2011
Friday, July 29, 2011
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Friday, July 22, 2011
Monday, July 18, 2011
Monday, July 11, 2011
Friday, July 01, 2011
Monday, June 27, 2011
Friday, June 24, 2011
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Friday, June 17, 2011
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Thursday, June 09, 2011
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Monday, May 23, 2011
Friday, May 06, 2011
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Smiling from the Inside
Saturday, April 09, 2011
Wednesday, April 06, 2011
Tuesday, April 05, 2011
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Friday, March 04, 2011
A Room With No Light | Use Your Imagination
Whistler's Symphony in Grey and Green: The Ocean
Thursday, March 03, 2011
What's on your desk right now?
on my desk right now: vaio. mouse. pens. mobile. uni calendar. literature book. writing book. small mirror. a smaller mirror. clockwork toy. toilet paper. a lamp out of order. frame with picture. a glass pot with budges. 3 glass pots with pens/scissor/ruler/markers. (catherine synodinou)
on my desk right now: il pc. una rubrica per appunti vari. il vocabolario di inglese. il porta biro con biro. matite. evidenziatori. una cornice con la foto tua e di diego. un'altra cornice con la foto di diego in divisa da pilota in piedi davanti all'aereo. una foto tua e di paula. un posacenere con dentro le graffette colorate. il portaocchiali. il piccolo taccuino da viaggio. 2 biro sparse qua e là . 2 libri iniziati e mai terminati. una cartolina (la tua). (patrizia prina)
on my desk right now: screen. musicboxes. lamp. ashtray. rizla. agenda. 1 pen. webcam. (marijke westra)
on my desk right now: laptop. mpeg decoder (to watch tv through the laptop). printer. cd and pen case towers. lamp and a dossier with bussiness cards my friend. (thrasos gikas)
on my desk right now: (evert fokkema)
on my desk right now: il pc. tre biro. quaderno. cuffia per la musica. occhiali da vista. foto in busta di quando avevo 5 anni ad un matrimonio, da scannerizzare. stampanti e altre carabattole. (giusi scardovelli)
on my desk right now: an old postmark bought years ago in london with the a letter. few tiny boxes matches from london clubs. a penny sliced into a special machine in plymouth, now showing 'plymouth dome' logo. a pile of lp created by my friend dj.fky.g. the cd of rushlette. few pen and pencil in a coca cola can now opened to let them carry in. a mouse. two keyboards and an lcd display. a blank notepad ready to be noted up. a black lamp. two speakers. a new lancia delta model present of a lady. an external hard disk with all my pictures stored in. (andrea giacomo perini)
on my desk right now: sulla mia scrivania ci sono cataste di fogli con un sacco di progetti e sogni ormai scordati. a destra una lampada rossa dietro un monitor con vai cavi per collegare portatili vari. più al centro un libro di john fante ed uno sull'editing video. qualche bolletta da pagare e una multa presa la scorsa settimana. che macello! (alessandro guariento)
on my desk right now: stack of field notebooks. macbook. two small wd hard-drives. small cactus. one pot of sunflower sprouts. one pot of everlasting daisy sprouts. a fish dissection guide. usb stick. 'office space" mug of pens and pencils in it. small plastic container with incubating turtle eggs. lamp. a few textbooks. candle. an island desk calendar. grid paper. concert tickets. lower jaw of a piranha. ruler. hole punch. sea shells. handheld gps. swiss army knife. headphones. dissection kit. hat. blank discs. calculator. coral skeletons. ipod. blank paper. photo-frame. stack of journal articles. and a fish tank with tadpoles in it. (kate thornborough)
on my desk right now: pc keyboard. mouse. speakers and screen. two mouse pads. some (mainly usb) cables. lamp. uhu stick. portable disk. usb stick. celular phone. stapler. italian greek dictionary. rapidograph capillary cartridge. cd (dire straits - remastered). scotch tape. quite big carton box full of pensils. crayons. tracing paper rolls. triangles. rubbers etc. two piles of a4 papers. folders. leaflets etc. container with blank cd's. paper clips. binoculars. 5 meter tape. red carbon paper. decorative plastic sunflower-in-pot-shaped torchlight. two sticker papers with notes. two pieces of kitchen paper. plastic bag and two books about the "treasure hunt game" in rethymnon. (vangos tsourlakis)
on my desk right now: pc. cellulare. calcolatrice scientifica. dizionario ita-lat. agenda. due squadre. tre pennelli. matite colorate. una gerbera arancione di stoffa. post-it colorati a forma di quadrifoglio. il romanzo che sto leggendo. una fotografia. una cartolina. graffette colorate e pietre sparse ovunque. portapenne di metallo. due quaderni e una pagina di quotidiano. (lucia durjava)
on my desk right now: monitor. 2 lautsprecher. 2 tesafilmabroller und 3 ersatzrollen. 2 paketkleberollen. 2 usb-sticks. hmdi-kabel. ram-speicher. grafikkarte. zollstock. headset. mini-disc. 2 usb-cardreader. 2 dvd's. kleiner zettel mit arzttermin. bedienungsanleitung für md-player. papierweihnachtssern. 2 fotostapel. ipod-ständer. kleine tüte mit schrauben. tüte haribo. paket. cd-rohlinge und ein becher mit stiften und einer schere. (janne)
on my desk right now: blue water container. cell the phone. acer notebook. and the acer notebook carrying bag. (belen pocon)
on my desk right now: porta penne con forbici. biglietto concerto the killers. biglietto partita inter-milan. contatti interfly. elica di legno. calendario del 2010. due modelli di aereo su supporto. un orologio a forma di aereo. bolletta telepass. una multa non pagata. una mail stampata. manuali di volo. macchina fotografica. una fotografia. due specchi. un pc portatile. graffettatrice. due penne usb. sacchetto porta cuffie audio. (diego durjava)
on my desk right now: una tazza con fiori disegnati. e residuo dei regali della "carne montana". con matite. evidenziatore. penne e pennarelli neri per gli schizzi che "fanno molto architetto". un barattino ben chiuso che uso come portacenere. la mia nuova lampada dell'ikea grigia. cavetti usb di varia natura. funzione e colore. portacandele in vetro trasparente ikea con candeline aromatizzate alla vaniglia. il "manuale pratico di edilizia sostenibile". dvb-t usb e suo telecomando (per vedere un pò di tv dal laptop in hd). un piatto con la mia rosa di gerico. un calendarietto da scrivania. il mio laptop ed il caricabatterie. appunti per un progetto da iniziare. raccolta punti della spesa (da brava casalinga). quadernetto blu per appunti. post-it gialli classici. il libro che cerco di leggere in treno ed in metro da un mese. i biscottini di pasta frolla fatti da me. il tutto su una tovaglia con i girasoli. (arianna mortellaro)
Everyone is free to join this project.
Write down what's on your desk right now. Any language is fine.
Send it to: whatsonyourdeskrightnow@gmail.com
Davide Durjava Art
Wednesday, March 02, 2011
Tuesday, March 01, 2011
Wednesday, February 09, 2011
Leppehiem | 2011 Feb
For the interior design of Leppehiem (activities area) my first idea was the use of color. We are talking about a retirement home. So why don't make people happy with that.
I started making a research about Chromotherapy. Chromotherapy or Color Therapy is the science that uses the colors to modify or to keep the vibrations of the body in a frequency that results in health, welfare and harmony. The luminous energy of colors is of the same nature as the electromagnetic energy of radio and television waves. We can emit the energy of a certain color by simply thinking about it.
My idea is to keep the space looking fresh and interesting. Choosing neutral colors such as white, grays and beige in places like Leppehiem means no sensibility and no attention.
I am looking carefully to combine the right colors in the right place. Minimal colorful portraits (acrylic on canvas | 100cm by 100cm) is also an idea to let the environment hugging better with the people.
My goal is to give a sense of serenity and welcome to everyone that just walk or sit down for a coffee in this space.
We have to think that color is an important design tool that can make a better day to people.
Davide Durjava