Wednesday, February 09, 2011

Leppehiem | 2011 Feb


For the interior design of Leppehiem (activities area) my first idea was the use of color. We are talking about a retirement home. So why don't make people happy with that.

I started making a research about Chromotherapy. Chromotherapy or Color Therapy is the science that uses the colors to modify or to keep the vibrations of the body in a frequency that results in health, welfare and harmony. The luminous energy of colors is of the same nature as the electromagnetic energy of radio and television waves. We can emit the energy of a certain color by simply thinking about it.

My idea is to keep the space looking fresh and interesting. Choosing neutral colors such as white, grays and beige in places like Leppehiem means no sensibility and no attention.

I am looking carefully to combine the right colors in the right place. Minimal colorful portraits (acrylic on canvas | 100cm by 100cm) is also an idea to let the environment hugging better with the people.

My goal is to give a sense of serenity and welcome to everyone that just walk or sit down for a coffee in this space.

We have to think that color is an important design tool that can make a better day to people.

Davide Durjava